issue 002, 2015 q3

Looking back

This quarter, we will look back at our seven very popular blog articles relating to the challenges of the Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendments Act (ADA/ADAAA) and how companies can comply. These posts cover best practices, how to navigate the system and commonly asked questions by employers.

1.     Keys to compliance: Managing ADA/ADAAA as part of an integrated program

How can employers ensure compliance in these areas? Through consistency and integration – the keys to success include adopting consistent management practices to address all types of employee absences, along with an integrated claims system that brings all of the information together. Click here to read the full blog article.

2.     ADA FAQs: What you need to know

Sedgwick hosted a webinar discussing ADA/ADAAA compliance in partnership with Human Resource Executive. There was a high level of interest and employers asked many thought-provoking questions – many of which shared common themes, reminiscent of the early days of Family and Medical Leave adoption, and the development of related policies and procedures. To read the complete list of questions, click here.

3.     ADA Risk Scenario: What would you do?

More and more, our clients and other risk managers and human resource directors in the industry ask how they can ensure compliance with the ADA/ADAAA. Sedgwick has sponsored the latest Risk Scenario, produced by Risk & Insurance magazine, which highlights the issue in a “real-life” way. Click here to read the full article.

4.     Managing disability accommodation processes under ADA/ADAAA

Addressing compliance with the ADA/ADAAA has become one of the notable challenges employers face in the workplace today. To read this blog in its entirety, click here.

5.     Struggling with ADA/ADAAA compliance? Here’s one key to success

“Often, employers face two common compliance gaps. The first gap is the lack of a well-defined accommodation process and/or neglect in following the process consistently.” To learn more, click here to read the full article.

6.     Identify specialty resources to support ADA/ADAAA accommodation

Identify specialty resources to support the ADA/ADAAA interactive and accommodation process. Development of a worksite accommodation can benefit from the specialty skills of a nurse case manager, a physical therapist, an ergonomist or a vocational counselor. Click here to read this blog in its entirety.

7.     How to build an ADA/ADAAA employer framework for disability accommodation

Identifying the right stakeholders to participate in program development is very important to success. Broad stakeholder input can ensure that ADA/ADAAA processes are effective in meeting overall business needs. Click here to read the full article.

issue 002, 2015 q3

Culture of health: The productivity summit

Improving behavioral health and well-being in the workplace